Ultimate Home Workout to Shed Fat & Gain Lean Muscle

Complete each round with full intensity and really give it your all. It will be a very challenging workout, but well worth it when you are finished. Take 10 minutes to warmup, then complete each five minute round, and finally take a five minute cooldown.

Round 1 - each exercise for 1 minute:
1. Air squats
2. Isometric squat
3. Hands-off pushups
4. Back extensions
5. Pop-up

Round 2 - each exercise for 1 minute:
1. Air squats
2. Squat thrusts
3. Push-ups
4. Burpees
5. Alternating lateral planks

Round 3 (need two dumbbells) - each exercise for 30 seconds, take a 30 second break, then repeat:
1. Lateral lunges
2. Bent-over row
3. Alternating upright row
4. Rotation curls

Round 4 - each exercise for 30 seconds. First start off with the dumbbell in your right hand, complete each exercise, then switch to your left.
1. Around the world
2. Dumbbell swing
3. High pull
4. One-arm, single-leg row
5. Diagonal press

Round 5 - each exercise for one minute:
1. Twisting floor press (1 minute right hand, 1 minute left hand)
2. Half get up (1 minute right hand, 1 minute left hand)
3. Prone alternating dumbbell rows (1 minute)

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